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Sawara Matsuri (佐原の大祭)

Sawara Matsuri (佐原の大祭)
: October 11-13
Prefecture: Chiba
Location: Katori

The Sawara Grand Festival (Sawara no Taisai) collectively refers to both the Honjuku Gion Festival in July and the Shinjuku Autumn Festival in October, held in the heart of Sawara, situated in the city of Katori, Chiba Prefecture. Alongside the Kawagoe Hikawa Festival and the Hitachi Kuni Sousha Shrine Grand Festival (Ishioka Festival), it holds prestigious status as one of the three major festivals in the Kanto region. This festival earned its place on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in December 2016.

October 1

Naha Great Tug-of-War (那覇大綱挽)

October 11

Niihama Drum Festival (新居浜太鼓祭り)