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Nagahama Hikiyama Festival (長浜曳山祭)

Nagahama Hikiyama Festival (長浜曳山祭)
: Mid April
Prefecture: Shiga
Location: Nagahama Station

Held in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture, the Hikiyama Festival derives its name from the wheeled festival floats that are a common sight in traditional festivals. However, this festival stands out for its emphasis on kodomo kabuki, which involves children performing kabuki plays.

During the Hikiyama Festival, the floats serve as portable stages where young boys take on various roles in kabuki plays. Similar to the adult version of kabuki, boys portray male and female roles. The highlight of the festival is on April 15, when the vibrant performances and cultural festivities reach their peak.

March 15

Tagata Honen Matsuri (豊年祭)

April 13

Yayoi Festival (弥生祭)