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Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi (京都五山送り火)

Kurama Fire Festival (鞍馬の火祭)
: October 22
Prefecture: Kyoto
Location: Yuki Shrine

Every year on the evening of October 22nd, the entirety of Kurama town is aglow with torch fire. This annual fire festival stands among the top three grand celebrations in Kyoto, attracting throngs of spectators eager to witness the mesmerizing parade and participate in the religious ceremonies. The festivities commence at 6:00 pm, right after sunset.

Adorned in traditional attire, participants ignite pine torches and hoist them upon their shoulders, traversing the village while exclaiming the spirited phrase, "festival, good festival!" Children carry smaller torches, while adults bear torches extending up to three meters in length. According to tradition, the torch fire serves the purpose of guiding spirits from hell through the realm of the living.

October 21

Machida Jidai Matsuri (町田時代祭り)

October 25

Jidai Matsuri (時代祭)